The Steyning Bowl Award and Grants for Local Organisations

The Steyning Bowl Award was established by the Steyning Society last year to recognise those who have made major contributions to Steyning and its local community.

This year, the award will focus on individuals who have been working in Steyning on a voluntary basis with children and young people.

Nominations for the Bowl Awards may be made by anyone who lives in Steyning, irrespective of whether they are members of the Steyning Society, using the nomination form provided on the Society's website:

Please make your nomination by Friday 29th March 2024.

The Bowl, which is the premier award, is held by the winner for a year and is then returned to the Society, so that it can be awarded again the following year.

Runners up are presented with Certificates of Merit.

This year's awards will be presented immediately after the Society's Annual General Meeting, which will be held at the Steyning Centre on Friday 19th April 2024 at 7.30 p.m.

Grants: The Steyning Society also makes grants of up to £500 to local organisations which benefit the town.

The procedure for making applications for grants is explained on our website.
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